World of Tanks: Wave 1 – American Tank (M3 Lee)

Availability: Back-Order Item #: 215062
NZD $29.99
  • Out of stock
  • SKU: WOT03 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $29.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9781945625855  Product barcode
  • Estimated Release Date: November 2020 The estimated date of the product's release
  • Release Date: Unconfirmed The confirmed date of the product's release
  • 12 items per case Case quantity

The M3 Lee gives players
a low Cost, but effective Medium Tank, with plenty of space for Crew. It also has the unique Upgrade that allows it to use the turreted 37mm gun, cancelling the Assault Gun special rule.

The M3 Lee gives players
a low Cost, but effective Medium Tank, with plenty of space for Crew. It also has the unique Upgrade that allows it to use the turreted 37mm gun, cancelling the Assault Gun special rule.

More Information
Weight (kg)0.060000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupMinis and Paints
Length (cm)10
Width (cm)1
Height (cm)19
PublisherGale Force 9
Estimated Release DateNovember 2020
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsCore Products Expanded
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