Turbo Dork - Empty Tray CLEAR 8 compartments; adjustable spacin

Availability: Back-Order Item #: 236232
NZD $184.99
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  • SKU: TDK040001 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $184.99 Recommended Retail Price
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Turbo Dork Remix is the culmination of the last two years of collecting retailer and customer feedback at conventions and acting on those ideas. With that feedback, Turbo Dork has gone back to school, consulted with chemists, and brought in production engineers—these are some of the best, most colorful metallic acrylic paints on the market. Remix represents a huge change for the better in almost every aspect of the paint line.

Turbo Dork Remix is the culmination of the last two years of collecting retailer and customer feedback at conventions and acting on those ideas. With that feedback, Turbo Dork has gone back to school, consulted with chemists, and brought in production engineers—these are some of the best, most colorful metallic acrylic paints on the market. Remix represents a huge change for the better in almost every aspect of the paint line.

More Information
Weight (kg)2.240000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupMinis and Paints
Length (cm)12.7
Width (cm)25.4
Height (cm)30.48
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
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