The Esoterrorists RPG - Essoterror Fact Book

Availability: Pre-Order Item #: 227436
NZD $64.99
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  • SKU: PELG08 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $64.99 Recommended Retail Price
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  • Estimated Release Date: Unknown The estimated date of the product's release
  • 10 items per case Case quantity

Ripped from the secret files of the Ordo Veritatis, the the Esoterror Fact Book briefs you on what you need to send players into intrigue-filled confrontation with forces of international terror bent on supernatural apocalypse.

This 152-page player-friendly sourcebook for The Esoterrorists lays out the facts GMs and players have been clamoring for.

Ripped from the secret files of the Ordo Veritatis, the the Esoterror Fact Book briefs you on what you need to send players into intrigue-filled confrontation with forces of international terror bent on supernatural apocalypse.

This 152-page player-friendly sourcebook for The Esoterrorists lays out the facts GMs and players have been clamoring for.

More Information
Weight (kg)0.385552
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupRPG
Length (cm)20.955
Width (cm)1.27
Height (cm)27.94
PublisherPelgrane Press
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGYes
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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