Processing: A Game of Serving Humanity

Availability: Back-Order Item #: 214014
NZD $69.99
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  • SKU: FB030 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $69.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 702038258018  Product barcode
  • 6 items per case Case quantity

Processing is a game of terrible democracy. Aliens have conquered Earth, but that's not the worst of it. As a survivor, you've been enslaved to figure out who gets "Processed," "Probed," and "Freed." There's one more wrinkle, the Aliens think cows are people too.

The Confederated Alien Overlords (or CAO's) demand you work to appease them all, but since they all want different things that will be tough. Your goal is to have the most victory points (VPs) by the end of the game (three rounds) by appealing to different alien agendas each round.

Processing is a game of terrible democracy. Aliens have conquered Earth, but that's not the worst of it. As a survivor, you've been enslaved to figure out who gets "Processed," "Probed," and "Freed." There's one more wrinkle, the Aliens think cows are people too.

The Confederated Alien Overlords (or CAO's) demand you work to appease them all, but since they all want different things that will be tough. Your goal is to have the most victory points (VPs) by the end of the game (three rounds) by appealing to different alien agendas each round.

More Information
Weight (kg)0.997900
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupBoard Games
Length (cm)8.89
Width (cm)31.75
Height (cm)31.75
PublisherFight in a Box
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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