Over the Edge RPG - Second Edition - Cloaks

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NZD $38.99
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  • SKU: AG2303 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $38.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9781887801614  Product barcode
  • 6 items per case Case quantity

Whoever you are, do not hesitate.

This long-awaited book is, according to highly placed sources in several supranational intelligence organizations, a carefully encrypted communication. Sleeper agents receiving this transmission will understand what to do. Decode and follow the hidden instructions. Your years of training are coming to fruition; your years of silent immersion among these strangers you pretend to know will soon be at an end.

For the rest of you reading this - well, this remains on the face of it a sourcebook of secret agents for the Over the Edge role-playing game of surreal danger. It includes the gadgets and fringe powers of Al Amarja's secret agents (known as "cloaks"), new characters to bring into your series, a major plot revolving around secret agents, plus lots of smaller story ideas to put everything in the book to good use. In short, it is a book that no Over the Edge GM should go without.

So whoever you are, do not hesitate. Buy this book.

Whoever you are, do not hesitate.

This long-awaited book is, according to highly placed sources in several supranational intelligence organizations, a carefully encrypted communication. Sleeper agents receiving this transmission will understand what to do. Decode and follow the hidden instructions. Your years of training are coming to fruition; your years of silent immersion among these strangers you pretend to know will soon be at an end.

For the rest of you reading this - well, this remains on the face of it a sourcebook of secret agents for the Over the Edge role-playing game of surreal danger. It includes the gadgets and fringe powers of Al Amarja's secret agents (known as "cloaks"), new characters to bring into your series, a major plot revolving around secret agents, plus lots of smaller story ideas to put everything in the book to good use. In short, it is a book that no Over the Edge GM should go without.

So whoever you are, do not hesitate. Buy this book.

More Information
Weight (kg)0.283495
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupRPG
Length (cm)21.59
Width (cm)27.94
Height (cm)27.94
PublisherAtlas Games
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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