Otherside Picnic 09 (Manga)

Availability: Pre-Order Item #: 246425
NZD $32.99
  • Available to Preorder
  • SKU: 9781646092291 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $32.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9781646092291  Product barcode
  • Estimated Release Date: Unknown The estimated date of the product's release

In this sci-fi/fantasy survival thriller, the dangerous and deadly realm of the Otherside—where urban legends roam—calls to two women, both in search of something. As they set out to sate their curiosity and explore this other world, will the most earth-shattering thing they discover on the Otherside be their feelings for each other?

After successfully fighting off the Kotoribako box at DS Research, Sorawo and Toriko resume their exploration of the Otherside. Against an autumnal backdrop, the pair bring lunches and farm equipment along to their next foray into the unknown... But just as the two are slowly picking their way across an Otherside plain, the grotesque Yamanoke appears!

Then, after a younger student at Sorawo’s university comes to Toriko and Sorawo for advice, they begin to look into the strange affair of Kano Sannuki. However, Satsuki Uruma’s shadow lurks there as well...

In this sci-fi/fantasy survival thriller, the dangerous and deadly realm of the Otherside—where urban legends roam—calls to two women, both in search of something. As they set out to sate their curiosity and explore this other world, will the most earth-shattering thing they discover on the Otherside be their feelings for each other?

After successfully fighting off the Kotoribako box at DS Research, Sorawo and Toriko resume their exploration of the Otherside. Against an autumnal backdrop, the pair bring lunches and farm equipment along to their next foray into the unknown... But just as the two are slowly picking their way across an Otherside plain, the grotesque Yamanoke appears!

Then, after a younger student at Sorawo’s university comes to Toriko and Sorawo for advice, they begin to look into the strange affair of Kano Sannuki. However, Satsuki Uruma’s shadow lurks there as well...

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Weight (kg)0.000000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupBooks and Comics
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