Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest

Availability: Pre-Order Item #: 226750
NZD $94.99
  • Available to Preorder
    6 on unconfirmed date (4 available)
  • SKU: MBNOF100 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $94.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 60945664858  Product barcode
  • Estimated Release Date: Unknown The estimated date of the product's release
  • 6 items per case Case quantity

"Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest" is the second wargame in a duology adapting the events of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution for modern board game form. Following the Hungarian success in part one, this game starts as the Red Army arrives at the edge of the capital and pushes into the heart of the city, bent on retribution, destruction, and ruthless pursuit of control. For the players in charge of the Hungarian defense, there is no time left for organizing and sedition. This is a hopeless war of survival, plain and simple.

Combining card and action management mechanisms of modern euro games with the theme and feel of a classic block wargame, players can experience the rush of a true no-win scenario, and see how long they can keep the flame of the revolution going under the pressure of the unstoppable march of the Soviet military machine.

The game can be played by up to two revolutionary players against either a live or an automated opponent.

"Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest" is the second wargame in a duology adapting the events of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution for modern board game form. Following the Hungarian success in part one, this game starts as the Red Army arrives at the edge of the capital and pushes into the heart of the city, bent on retribution, destruction, and ruthless pursuit of control. For the players in charge of the Hungarian defense, there is no time left for organizing and sedition. This is a hopeless war of survival, plain and simple.

Combining card and action management mechanisms of modern euro games with the theme and feel of a classic block wargame, players can experience the rush of a true no-win scenario, and see how long they can keep the flame of the revolution going under the pressure of the unstoppable march of the Soviet military machine.

The game can be played by up to two revolutionary players against either a live or an automated opponent.

More Information
Board Game GenreMultiplayer, Card Game, Political, Wargame
Weight (kg)1.224700
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupBoard Games
Length (cm)30.48
Width (cm)21.59
Height (cm)5.08
PublisherMighty Boards
6 on unconfirmed date (4 available)
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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