Mutants & Masterminds - Hero High Sourcebook Revised Edition

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NZD $69.99
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The Shadow Academy is on the loose downtown, but the prom is tonight and, worse yet, you’ve got a make-up test tomorrow! But then nobody said things were simple at Hero High!

Teenaged superheroes have hard lives ... just ask them. After all, being a normal teenager is difficult enough: school, work, parents, friends, dating, and more without complicating matters by adding super-powers and a secret identity to the mix!

Hero High takes a look at the genre of teen heroes (and villains!) for the Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition RPG. It contains everything you need to run a teen hero series of your own, with all the trials and tribulations that entails. There’s everything from an overview of the genre to breakdowns of its components and how to use them to create your own unique setting and series.

There’s even an interview with Marvel’s Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, who offers his insights on teen heroes and why they’re so fun and compelling!

Hero High is revised and expanded for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition and includes information on the students and faculty of the Claremont Academy, where the heroes of tomorrow receive their training!  It also includes the villainous Shadow Academy and the troubled teens who call it home. Plus, there are a dozen heroic archetypes so you and your friends can start playing right away!

Go to the head of the class with Hero High!

The Shadow Academy is on the loose downtown, but the prom is tonight and, worse yet, you’ve got a make-up test tomorrow! But then nobody said things were simple at Hero High!

Teenaged superheroes have hard lives ... just ask them. After all, being a normal teenager is difficult enough: school, work, parents, friends, dating, and more without complicating matters by adding super-powers and a secret identity to the mix!

Hero High takes a look at the genre of teen heroes (and villains!) for the Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition RPG. It contains everything you need to run a teen hero series of your own, with all the trials and tribulations that entails. There’s everything from an overview of the genre to breakdowns of its components and how to use them to create your own unique setting and series.

There’s even an interview with Marvel’s Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, who offers his insights on teen heroes and why they’re so fun and compelling!

Hero High is revised and expanded for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition and includes information on the students and faculty of the Claremont Academy, where the heroes of tomorrow receive their training!  It also includes the villainous Shadow Academy and the troubled teens who call it home. Plus, there are a dozen heroic archetypes so you and your friends can start playing right away!

Go to the head of the class with Hero High!

More Information
Weight (kg)0.680385
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupRPG
Length (cm)27.94
Width (cm)2.54
Height (cm)19.05
PublisherGreen Ronin Publishing
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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