How to Use Your LPG Stock Feed

Let’s Play Games supplies a stock feed to our customers that contains a detailed list of all our currently offered products. This is no more than a simple CSV document.

You can find a link to your stock feed under My Stock Feed in the website footer and in the dropdown under My Account.

This stock feed is regenerated daily at midnight.

Do any of these apply to you?

  • You want to begin automating your buying / selling process from Let’s Play Games
  • You want to open a new online store and need product data to populate it
  • You have an established online store and want to stay up-to-date with new items
  • You want to sync your inventory levels / pricing with ours in your store / POS
  • You are looking to dramatically increase your product range

If so, we recommend stock feed integration. This can be done in two main ways:

  1. Direct manual upload of our stock feed into your ecommerce store
  2. Development work by your business to automate the syncing of our stock feed with your ecommerce store / POS

Click an icon below to learn more about your ecommerce platform's product import process.

Magento 2

We at LPG are committed to making this integration process as easy as we can for our customers. If you need information our stock feed doesn’t contain, reach out to your Account Manager and we’ll assess a solution.

Below is a detailed list of the content of the stock feed. Please read this carefully before integrating this information into your website.

The stock feed is encoded in UTF-8, and is in a comma-delimited file format. Fields may be added over time, but existing fields are permanently affixed.

Field name Details Blanks? Advice
item_number Our unique item identifier
Type: text
Use this as the mapping key
name The item's name
Type: text
Our naming convention may not be appropriate for your web store
image_path The URL for the item's primary image
Type: url
Possible values: url | 'no_image'
rrp The recommended retail price of the item
Type: number
This value may be 0.00 for some items, due to special request from the item publisher
game_family The family of games that this item belongs to
Type: text
description The item description
Type: HTML
barcode The item barcode
Type: text
manufacturer_sku The item SKU
Type: text
qty_available The current available stock of the item
Type: number
Possible values: 0 - 99
LPG recommends only selling items above a stock quantity threshold of 10 or more
availability The availability status of the item
Type: text
Possible values: Available | Back-Order | Pre-Order
categories LPG's website categories for the product
Type: comma-separated list
Example value: LPG/Dice & Accessories/Dice
This field has been deprecated
publisher The item's primary publisher
Type: text
product_creation_date The datetime this product was created
Type: datetime
Datetime format: d/mm/yy h:MM:ss aa
eta The estimated time of arrival of our next shipment of the product
Type: date
Date format: d/mm/yyyy
Items with an ETA of 09/09/2033 have an unconfirmed arrival date
boardgamegeek_id The BoardGameGeek ID of the product
Type: text
This field has been deprecated
price_ex_gst Your cost price excluding GST
Type: number
price_inc_gst Your cost price including GST
Type: number
processed_at The datetime this row was processed
Type: datetime
Datetime format: d/mm/yy h:MM:ss aa
core_product The Core Product status of an item
Type: text
Possible values: Core Products | Core Products Expanded | No
discontinued The Discontinued status of an item
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
LPG recommends not selling discontinued products with a stock quantity of 10 or fewer
saleable_to_customer Whether this item can be resold onto your retail customers
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
Do not sell products marked as no
lpg_url The url to the item's product page on our website
Type: url
release_date The confirmed release date of the item
Type: datetime
Datetime format: d/mm/yyyy h:MM:ss aa
This field supercedes estimated_release_date
estimated_release_date The estimated release date of the item
Type: text
This field is populated with an estimate when a supplier has not yet supplied a firm release date for the product
available_incoming_stock The quantity of available stock we have incoming from suppliers
Type: number
Possible values: 0 - 99
Use this field when preordering products
case_qty The quantity of items present in a case
Type: number
saleable_online Whether the product can be sold online
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
Do not sell products online that are marked as no
saleable_online_marketplace Whether the product can be sold on online marketplaces (e.g. Amazon, eBay, Facebook)
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
Do not sell products on online marketplaces that are marked as no
item_group The item group the product belongs to
Type: text
Possible values: Accessories | Board Games | CCG | Collectables | Minis and Paints | Miscellaneous | Puzzles | RPG
dangerous_good Products that are dangerous goods should not be shipped via air freight
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
board_game_genre The board game genres of the product
Type: comma-separated list
Example value: Multiplayer, Economic, Negotiation
Genre list: 1-Player | 2-Player | Multiplayer | Abstract Strategy | Action / Dexterity | Adventure | Animals | Aviation / Flight | Bluffing | Book | Card Game | Children's Game | City Building | Civilization | Collectible Components | Cooperative | Crime | Deduction | Dice | Economic | Educational | Electronic | Environmental | Exploration | Fantasy | Farming | Fighting | Historical | Horror | Humor | Industry / Manufacturing | Math | Mature / Adult | Maze | Medical | Memory | Miniatures | Murder/Mystery | Music | Mythology | Nautical | Negotiation | Number | Party Game | Pirates | Political | Pop Culture | Prehistoric | Print & Play | Puzzle | Racing | Real-time | Religious | Science Fiction | Space Exploration | Spies/Secret Agents | Sports | Territory Building | Transportation | Trains | Travel | Trivia | Wargame | Word Game | Zombies
image_path_list A list of up to 5 of the product's image, separated by commas
Type: comma-separated list
Example value:,,,,
Default value: ,,,,
The list will contain the image linked in the image_path attribute
currency The currency of the prices in the stock feed
Type: text
Possible values: AUD | NZD
length_cm The length of the product in centimetres
Type: number
width_cm The width of the product in centimetres
Type: number
height_cm The height of the product in centimetres
Type: number
weight_kg The weight of the product in kilograms
Type: number
clearance Whether the product is currently on clearance
Type: text
Possible values: Yes | No
display_qty The quantity of items present in a display
Type: number
country_of_manufacture The country where the product is manufactured
Type: text