Lab Notes

Availability: Pre-Order Item #: 233002
NZD $44.99
  • Available to Preorder
  • SKU: LABN-CORE Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $44.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 850008736353  Product barcode
  • Estimated Release Date: Unknown The estimated date of the product's release
  • 6 items per case Case quantity

Class is now in session for Lab Notes! This roll-and-write game features the brain teaser challenge of putting together chemical bonds. Each round, a player rolls all the elemental dice for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, or a useful but dangerous Bunsen Burner. The rolling player chooses their element first, leaving the rest of the table to scratch their heads to fit the remainder within their lab notes.

Elements now in hand, the players choose where to keep their elements. They can notate in the research field or trash them for some added benefits, later. Combine elements based on the real rules of chemistry! Double and triple bonds are worth more, but you can only bond with elements near each other and as they’re written.

Don’t worry if you’re not sure about what bonds work where. There are handy-dandy notecards outlining real, actual chemicals you can make! Manage to make the chemical on the card? You get a bonus!

Lab fires burn a slot within your lab notes, but maybe that will work out for you, who knows!
The game ends when the first person fills up their sheet. Tally up all those points and see who’s top of the class!

Class is now in session for Lab Notes! This roll-and-write game features the brain teaser challenge of putting together chemical bonds. Each round, a player rolls all the elemental dice for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, or a useful but dangerous Bunsen Burner. The rolling player chooses their element first, leaving the rest of the table to scratch their heads to fit the remainder within their lab notes.

Elements now in hand, the players choose where to keep their elements. They can notate in the research field or trash them for some added benefits, later. Combine elements based on the real rules of chemistry! Double and triple bonds are worth more, but you can only bond with elements near each other and as they’re written.

Don’t worry if you’re not sure about what bonds work where. There are handy-dandy notecards outlining real, actual chemicals you can make! Manage to make the chemical on the card? You get a bonus!

Lab fires burn a slot within your lab notes, but maybe that will work out for you, who knows!
The game ends when the first person fills up their sheet. Tally up all those points and see who’s top of the class!

More Information
Board Game Genre2-Player, Multiplayer, Dice, Educational, Puzzle
Weight (kg)0.454000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupBoard Games
Length (cm)5.08
Width (cm)15.875
Height (cm)22.225
PublisherGreater Than Games
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGYes
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Play Info