Invisible Sun Secrets of Silent Streets

Availability: Back-Order Item #: 208848
NZD $109.99
  • Out of stock
  • SKU: MCG219 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $109.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9781939979889  Product barcode
  • Estimated Release Date: JUNE 2019 The estimated date of the product's release
  • Release Date: Unconfirmed The confirmed date of the product's release
Like any metropolis in any realm, Satyrine isn’t one city but many. Even a vislae can’t know the entirety of it, no matter how many lives they live there. Fartown, the Marquis Quarter, the Strangeglass District, the Hollows, and the vast abandoned stretches all offer different experiences and moods as well as unique landmarks, resources, denizens, and dangers. Satyrine is something different to every citizen and visitor who explores her streets. Travel the seventeen districts of Satyrine, each detailed through dozens of points of interest and illuminated through its own unique atmosphere, social expectations, and traditions. Along the way you’ll find scores of plot hooks, NPCs, creatures, and of course plenty of magic.
Like any metropolis in any realm, Satyrine isn’t one city but many. Even a vislae can’t know the entirety of it, no matter how many lives they live there. Fartown, the Marquis Quarter, the Strangeglass District, the Hollows, and the vast abandoned stretches all offer different experiences and moods as well as unique landmarks, resources, denizens, and dangers. Satyrine is something different to every citizen and visitor who explores her streets. Travel the seventeen districts of Satyrine, each detailed through dozens of points of interest and illuminated through its own unique atmosphere, social expectations, and traditions. Along the way you’ll find scores of plot hooks, NPCs, creatures, and of course plenty of magic.
More Information
Weight (kg)0.000000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupBoard Games
Length (cm)3.835
Width (cm)15.011
Height (cm)29.997
PublisherMonte Cook Games
Estimated Release DateJUNE 2019
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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