The legacy of Zeon lives on. Veteran aces rush forth once more...
The Gundam Assemble Starter Sets feature the same cards and contents of their equivalent Starter Decks, but include 3 different GUNDAM ASSEMBLE (Gunpla Miniatures)! GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are unpainted miniature-sized Gunpla that require assembly by the user. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE can be placed on token cards when playing the Gundam Card Game.
SEED Strike [ST04A] is a defensive White and Red deck with Gundam SEED cards. Featuring Kira Yamato/Aile Strike Gundam and Athrun Zala/Aegis Gundam.
Each starter deck contains 1 Bonus Pack, with 1 of the 16 cards from that deck featuring a special full-art holographic treatment. Some decks can be found that contain all cards with this treatment!
*GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are packaged unpainted. Paints and other tools sold separately.
The legacy of Zeon lives on. Veteran aces rush forth once more...
The Gundam Assemble Starter Sets feature the same cards and contents of their equivalent Starter Decks, but include 3 different GUNDAM ASSEMBLE (Gunpla Miniatures)! GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are unpainted miniature-sized Gunpla that require assembly by the user. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE can be placed on token cards when playing the Gundam Card Game.
SEED Strike [ST04A] is a defensive White and Red deck with Gundam SEED cards. Featuring Kira Yamato/Aile Strike Gundam and Athrun Zala/Aegis Gundam.
Each starter deck contains 1 Bonus Pack, with 1 of the 16 cards from that deck featuring a special full-art holographic treatment. Some decks can be found that contain all cards with this treatment!
*GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are packaged unpainted. Paints and other tools sold separately.
Weight (kg) | 0.000000 |
LPG Bestseller | No |
Item Group | CCG |
Confirmed Release Date | 11 Jul 2025 |
Publisher | Bandai |
Contained Item Barcode | 810158833340 |
Discontinued Product | No |
Exclusive to LPG | Yes |
Available for Resale | Yes |
Dangerous Good | No |
Allow Export | Yes |