Heroes rise. A new chapter begins...
The Gundam Assemble Starter Sets feature the same cards and contents of their equivalent Starter Decks, but include 3 different GUNDAM ASSEMBLE (Gunpla Miniatures)! GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are unpainted miniature-sized Gunpla that require assembly by the user. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE can be placed on token cards when playing the Gundam Card Game.
Heroic Beginnings [ST01A] is a balanced Blue and White deck featuring heroes from classic and new Gundam Series – Amuro Ray/Gundam and Suletta Mercury/Gundam Aerial.
Each starter deck contains 1 Bonus Pack, with 1 of the 16 cards from that deck featuring a special full-art holographic treatment. Some decks can be found that contain all cards with this treatment!
*GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are packaged unpainted. Paints and other tools sold separately.
Heroes rise. A new chapter begins...
The Gundam Assemble Starter Sets feature the same cards and contents of their equivalent Starter Decks, but include 3 different GUNDAM ASSEMBLE (Gunpla Miniatures)! GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are unpainted miniature-sized Gunpla that require assembly by the user. GUNDAM ASSEMBLE can be placed on token cards when playing the Gundam Card Game.
Heroic Beginnings [ST01A] is a balanced Blue and White deck featuring heroes from classic and new Gundam Series – Amuro Ray/Gundam and Suletta Mercury/Gundam Aerial.
Each starter deck contains 1 Bonus Pack, with 1 of the 16 cards from that deck featuring a special full-art holographic treatment. Some decks can be found that contain all cards with this treatment!
*GUNDAM ASSEMBLE are packaged unpainted. Paints and other tools sold separately.
Weight (kg) | 0.000000 |
LPG Bestseller | No |
Item Group | CCG |
Confirmed Release Date | 11 Jul 2025 |
Publisher | Bandai |
Contained Item Barcode | 810158833258 |
Discontinued Product | No |
Exclusive to LPG | Yes |
Available for Resale | Yes |
Dangerous Good | No |
Allow Export | Yes |