In the center of the universe hangs the Crucible, a gigantic artificial world created by the enigmatic Architects and home to countless beings and cultures. Here, impossibly advanced technologies mix with arcane powers to make for a setting unlike any other! Using the Genesys Roleplaying System, this sourcebook allows you to undertake fantastical adventures and uncover the Crucible’s many wonders and dangers. Lost civilizations, cryptic conspiracies, bizarre environments, mutated monsters, and more await!
In the center of the universe hangs the Crucible, a gigantic artificial world created by the enigmatic Architects and home to countless beings and cultures. Here, impossibly advanced technologies mix with arcane powers to make for a setting unlike any other! Using the Genesys Roleplaying System, this sourcebook allows you to undertake fantastical adventures and uncover the Crucible’s many wonders and dangers. Lost civilizations, cryptic conspiracies, bizarre environments, mutated monsters, and more await!
Weight (kg) | 1.089600 |
LPG Bestseller | No |
Item Group | RPG |
Length (cm) | 21.844 |
Width (cm) | 28.194 |
Height (cm) | 2.032 |
Publisher | Fantasy Flight Games |
Discontinued Product | Yes |
Exclusive to LPG | No |
Available for Resale | Yes |
Dangerous Good | No |
Allow Export | Yes |