Dungeon Crawl Classics - #100 The Music of the Spheres is Chaos - boxed set

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NZD $129.99
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  • SKU: GMG5105 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $129.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9781958809365  Product barcode

Our biggest adventure ever! A Level 5 Adventure for DCC RPG

Eons past, a brotherhood of mad philosopher-kings marched an army of slaves into the heart of a mountain. On their backs they bore a legendary treasure-hoard: coffers spilling over with blazing gems, strongboxes bright with gold, and the jeweled idols of a thousand gods. They were never seen again.

Today the gleaming domes at the top of the world have fallen to the passage of time and the crush of glaciers. Once-imperious halls are coated with dust and ice; memories of the fabled treasure hoard – and the heretical Theophages – are lost to antiquity.

But deep within the heart of the mountain, the flames of Chaos sputter and flare. 

Now the legacy of the God Eaters is drawing to a close. With each thunderous turn of the Alembic Key, meteors streak the sky and prophets fling themselves from the turrets of high towers. In the alleys and the palaces, all know that the hour of the dragon will soon be at hand.

Can you and your companions master the mysteries of the God Eaters in time? Or – like so many others before – will you succumb to the Music of the Spheres?

Our biggest adventure ever! A Level 5 Adventure for DCC RPG

Eons past, a brotherhood of mad philosopher-kings marched an army of slaves into the heart of a mountain. On their backs they bore a legendary treasure-hoard: coffers spilling over with blazing gems, strongboxes bright with gold, and the jeweled idols of a thousand gods. They were never seen again.

Today the gleaming domes at the top of the world have fallen to the passage of time and the crush of glaciers. Once-imperious halls are coated with dust and ice; memories of the fabled treasure hoard – and the heretical Theophages – are lost to antiquity.

But deep within the heart of the mountain, the flames of Chaos sputter and flare. 

Now the legacy of the God Eaters is drawing to a close. With each thunderous turn of the Alembic Key, meteors streak the sky and prophets fling themselves from the turrets of high towers. In the alleys and the palaces, all know that the hour of the dragon will soon be at hand.

Can you and your companions master the mysteries of the God Eaters in time? Or – like so many others before – will you succumb to the Music of the Spheres?

More Information
Weight (kg)1.406129
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupRPG
Length (cm)22.86
Width (cm)3.175
Height (cm)29.21
PublisherGoodman Games
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
Play Info