Inspired by the animated character from Disney's Tangled, Spin & Reveal Rapunzel doll shows the popular heroine with a magical twist!
The fun begins when kids open the flower and discover a garden-party play scene with mystery silhouettes.
Next kids spin the package, revealing a mystery bag with each turn—5 in all! Bags hold 10 surprises, including fashion accessories and stickers.
The final reveal is a beautiful Rapunzel fashion doll in a fun floral look! Rapunzel doll features long hair, an easy snap-on bodice, a reversible skirt and shoes.
Kids can decorate the play scene with stickers and use it as a backdrop for playing out garden-party adventures with their Rapunzel doll and accessories!
Fans can collect all the Disney Princess Spin & Reveal dolls for the ultimate adventure! Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Inspired by the animated character from Disney's Tangled, Spin & Reveal Rapunzel doll shows the popular heroine with a magical twist!
The fun begins when kids open the flower and discover a garden-party play scene with mystery silhouettes.
Next kids spin the package, revealing a mystery bag with each turn—5 in all! Bags hold 10 surprises, including fashion accessories and stickers.
The final reveal is a beautiful Rapunzel fashion doll in a fun floral look! Rapunzel doll features long hair, an easy snap-on bodice, a reversible skirt and shoes.
Kids can decorate the play scene with stickers and use it as a backdrop for playing out garden-party adventures with their Rapunzel doll and accessories!
Fans can collect all the Disney Princess Spin & Reveal dolls for the ultimate adventure! Each sold separately, subject to availability.