D&D Spellbook Cards Arcane Deck (253 Cards) Revised 2017 Edition

Availability: Available Item #: 194496
NZD $44.99
  • 51 in stock in AU 0 in stock in NZ
  • SKU: C56690000 Manufacturer SKU
  • RRP: NZD $44.99 Recommended Retail Price
  • Barcode: 9420020234994  Product barcode
  • 24 items per case Case quantity
The Spellbook Cards card decks are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Having all of your spell details right at your fingertips saves you having to spend time searching through books in the middle of an encounter. And you can easily consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn. After each long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time.
The Spellbook Cards card decks are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Having all of your spell details right at your fingertips saves you having to spend time searching through books in the middle of an encounter. And you can easily consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn. After each long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time.
More Information
Board Game GenreBook
Weight (kg)0.580000
LPG BestsellerNo
Item GroupAccessories
Length (cm)14.3
Width (cm)10
Height (cm)6.6
PublisherWizards of the Coast
Discontinued ProductNo
Exclusive to LPGNo
Available for ResaleYes
Dangerous GoodNo
Allow ExportYes
Core ProductsNo
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